
A repository for Artificial Intelligance (AI) for B.Sc. (H) C.S.

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Intro to Prolog

Loading a prolog database/knowledgebase:

  1. [dbname].
  2. consult('').

Tracing or Debugging:


  1. load the database
  2. run trace.
  3. run commands normally
  4. run notrace. or nodebug. to go normally

Importent terms:

  1. Pradicates:
    A fact/prodicate is a type of the clause that defines a over 2 given atoms. Simply a fact is a relationship of atom1 with atom2
    Syntax: pradicate(atom1, atom2).
  2. Atom:
    An atom starts with lower-case letter
    Can contain - Alphabets, Numbers, + - _ * / < >
    White space are effective if put into quotes eg. 'romeo juliet'
  3. Rule:
    Comes into play when a fact is depends upon some other facts
    A rule is used to defile a condition.
    Syntax: <condition> :- <action>
  4. Variables:
    A variable stores a value like atoms
    starts with upper-case letter
      afact(first, second).  
      afact(first, X).  
       it returns ---->   X = second   
  5. Operators:
    = Equals : alice = alice (TRUE)
    + Not-Equals : + (3 = 4) (TRUE)
    > Greater : 3 > 15 (FALSE)
    <, =<, >=
    one(X, q) = one(r, Y) : Gives -> X = r, Y = q
    =:= Equality of Expression : 5+4 =:= 4+5. (TRUE)
    == Non-Equality of Expression : 5+4 =:= 4+5. (False)
    ; OR : 5 > 100 ; 10 < 100>. (TRUE)
    , AND : 5 > 100 , 10 < 100>. (FALSE)
  6. Others:
    is Assignment : Var is 10 (assigns 10 to Var)
    +, -,
    / Devision : gives decimal result
    // Devision : gives result without decimal
    *, **
  7. Functions:
    mod(A, B) Remainder : mod(7, 5) (gives 2)
    random(A, B, X) : generates a random b/w A and B (including A and B), and stores in X
    between(A, B, X) : generates all possible from A to B, and stores in X
    succ(A, X) Increment by one: similar to X = A++; in C++
    abs() Absolute val. : X is abs(-4) (assigns 4 to X)
    max(A, B) : max val b/w A and B
    min(A, B) : min val b/w A and B
    round(Num) For floats : round(12.763) gives 13
    truncate(Num) Remove Decimal : truncate(12.98) gives 12
    floor(), ceiling(), sqrt(), sin() …., asin() …., log(), log10(), exp, pi, e


 write()         --->    outputs
 writeq()        --->    outputs in ""
 format()        --->    formatted output
 read(Var)       --->    reads (any) input into Var
 get(Var)        --->    SINGLE CHAR input & stores ASCII val into Var

File Handling:

Writing :

 open(File, write, Stream),
 write(Stream, Text),

Reading :

 open(File, read, Stream),
 get_char(Stream, Char),
 /*   function below ain't inbuilt    */
 process_stream(Char, Stream),   

 /*   defining process_stream(Char, Stream)   */

 /*   if file has ended   */
 process_stream(end_of_file, _) :-

 /*   what to do after reading char??   */
 process_stream(Char, Stream) :-
     get_char(Stream, Char),
     process_stream(Char, Stream).

File : file name in quotes
write/read : mode of opening
Stream : kinda buffer or connection esteblisher with flie
get_char() : takes one char from file
! : stops back-tracking


:- dynamic(predicate/Num). : :- dynamic(). : makes a database’s predicate changable while using same [database]
predicate : name of predicate to make it dynamic
Num : number of occurances of that pradicate in database

After that, following can be used to change/add pradicates:

assertz() adds at End : eg. assertz(happy(person))
asserta() adds at Beg. : eg. asserta(happy(person))
retract() removes : eg. retract(happy(person))
retractall() removes All those predicates : eg. retractall(parent(_,_))

List & Strings:

Lists can have any no. of data in them.
member(element, List) : TRUE, if element belongs to the List
also –> member(Ele, List) : Ele cycles through all elements in List
reverse(List, X) : Reverses List and stores in X
append(List1, List2, X) : X = [, ]
**atom_length(Str, Len)**
**name()** : String <--> List
**join_str(A, B, ...)** : joins any no. of str.
