Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Assignment 12

Due on 21/05/2023


Part 1

1. Implement 2 functions, i.e., encRSA(data, pubKey) and decRSA(encData, pvtKey) to encrypt and decrypt the byte-strings (data and encData), respectively. Follow the instructions:

  • Convert provided data to byte string (if it is in any different format)
  • Use base64 conversion for the textual representation of bytes
  • Proceed with the encryption/decryption as per the text encryption/decryption done in Lab-12.
  • MUST add essential padding to the base64 string while encryption and remove the same while process of decryption.

2. Update the previous newRSA class as a new class dynamicRSA for auto-detecting the input datatype and encrypt/decrypt the same.

  • You may inherit newRSA to declare dynamicRSA
  • The class must generate the RSA key-pair and keep the keys saved in some variable (as in newRSA)

Part 2:

1. Bob, unfortunately, encrypted a text message M using his RSA private key. while communicating with John. He had a nightmare that his message, somehow, got leaked. Can you decrypt the original message M? (CHALLENGE QUESTION)

  • Bob’s public key (known to everyone) is: [11, 1159]
  • The encrypted message (binary format) is saved as secret.enc that could be downloaded after providing your roll number below.

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