Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Assignment 14

Due on 06/06/2023


Part 1

1. Download the file and operate using DES algorithm using given instruction:

  • Read the content of file using Python, print it, and encrypt using newDES algorithm done in Lab 10.
  • Print the encrypted ciphertext and decrypt the same using the same key.
  • Use key as: M3022201

Part 2

1. Write a java program in Java perform XOR operation using following instructions:

  • The program should operate only on 2 integer values.
  • Both of the integers MUST be taken as the user-inputs using java.util.Scanner object.
  • Compile and run to show the output in colab notebook and upload the program file ( separately in classroom.

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