Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Assignment 7

Due on 18/04/2023


Part 1

  1. Download the solution of the Week 5 assignment and execute it for:
  • Encrypting a plaintext (i.e., your roll number) using all SIX algorithms
  • Decrypting a ciphertext (i.e., from the previous part) using all SIX algorithms
  • Choose the Key and other data (if needed) as per your wish
  • There MUST be 12 outputs (6 for each encryption and decryption)
  1. Write a function compressUsing_sBox(data, N) that returns compressedData with the following constraints:
  • data MUST be a 6-bit binary value
  • N represents the sequence of S-box (S_n) that MUST be any one number from the set: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
  • Each S-box should be implemented as a 2-D array (or list) with dimensions 4x16 (4 rows and 16 columns)
  • The arrangement of values in each of the substitution-box/S-box can be found at this link.
  • compressedData should have exactly 4-bits

Part 2:

  1. Encrypt (and save as encrypted.enc) and decrypt any PDF/JPG/PNG/GIF file using any ONE (of the six) algorithms Assignment 5 (Q1 of Part 1) and provide the following:
  • Details about the original file (type and size)
  • Details about the encrypted file i.e., encrypted.enc (size)
  • Algorithm used
  • Features of Key(s) used for the encryption and decryption

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