Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Assignment 9

Due on 02/05/2023

This week’s assignment focuses on the basic python programming practices.


Part 1

  1. Write a program (WAP) to print the following pattern using python where N is the number of rows (here N = 4) in the following pattern:
  2. WAP to take a number (N) from a user and print sum and products of the digits of N, without using string or lists. Eg.:
    N = 1528
    Sum = 16
    Product = 80

Part 2

  1. WAP to take a list L of N numbers from user and print the running-total of L. Eg.:
    N = 3
    L = [12, 43, 1]
    Running Total = [12, 55, 56]
    N = 5
    L = [2, 2, 3, 10, 5]
    Running Total = [2, 4, 7, 17, 22]

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