Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Lab 11 (10/05/2023)

Problems for lab session:


Part 1

1. Write a function getCoPrime(K,N) to find the first N co-prime numbers with respect to K.

  • Use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the prime number.

2. Write a function getPremRoot(num) to find the first primitive root (R) of the number num greater than 1.

  • R must satisfy the equation: R^(x) mod num = q
  • x = {1, 2, 3, ...., (num-1)}
  • The set of all possible q = Q must represent the results after solving the equation of different values of x.

Part 2

1. Key generation in RSA.

  • Solved in six-steps
  • Public key = {e, n}
  • Private key = {d, n}

2. Write a function encRSA(data, key) to encrypt numeric data using RSA algorithm.

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