Modern Cryptography

Practicals for M.Sc. CS students | (M3022201)

Lab 6 (05/04/2023)

Problems for lab session:


Use the following plaintext for encryption in the following questions:

Plaintext: 2210ModernCrypto


  1. Define a function strToBin() to perform the following operation:
    • Convert any string (of bytes or char.) to a binary string
    • Use the ASCII values for intermediate operation
    • Each char. MUST be converted to the 8-bit binary string
  2. Define a function binToStr() to perform the following operation:
    • Convert any binary string to ASCII char. string
    • Each char. MUST be retrieved from the sets of 8-bit binary string


  1. Implement the Feistel Cipher algorithm for data-encryption with the following properties:
    • The complete plaintext MUST be converted to a binary string before the operation
    • The entire plaintext should be split only in two halves viz left half (L1) and right half (R1)
    • The algorithm MUST use two random keys K1 and K2 generated using LinearCongruentialGenerator()
    • There MUST be exactly three rounds for encryption

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