
A dynamic site for to-do lists.

Project maintained by ravi-prakash1907 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Secret-Box : A Secure Task Manager


Introducing Secret-Box app, that is a very basic application made to keep a track on the tasks (more similar to the totdo list manager). The app is developed on Flask web-framework of python.

The Secret-Box provieds following features to the end-user:

  1. Store and remove a task.
  2. Update a task statement.
  3. View all the remaining tasks.

Key Features:

1. Modularity: The project is kept moduler where an rendered web-page inharites it’s sections from different static template.
2. Database: It uses the SQL database to store the task lists efficiently.
3. Data Security: The tasks are encrypted using EncryptIt cryptographic algorithm, before being stored in the database.

The Web-UI is splitted into three pages kept very basic as I have implemented the same through a single master CSS script.

Dependencies and Initial Set-up

The Secret-Box requires a very less external dependacy to run on the system. Although the application can work on the main environment, still it’s recommand to install this application on a python virtual environment. To run this app, we need following:

  1. Flask (python)
  2. virtual environment for flask i.e. virtualenv
  3. SQLAlchemy


Here I’m giving 5 easy steps to install the application using bash terminal

Step 1. Open the bash terminal and navigate inside the Secret-Box directory.

  •    $ cd <download location>/Secret-Box/  

Step 2. Create a python virtual environment (say env):

  •    $ virtualenv env  

Step 3. Activate env and install dependancies:

  •    $ source env/bin/activate  
       $ pip install flask flask-sqlalchemy  

Step 4. Open python console:

  •    $ python  

Step 5. Initialize the database:

  •   >> from app import db  
      >> db.create_all()  
      >> exit()  

Althogh, we can make the installation more easier with the containerized version of this application, I am keeping it very simple for this submission.

We are all set to run the Secret-Box!

Steps for Execution

Everytime, in order to use the applicaation, following 3 easy steps will be required to be folloed:

Step 1. Open the bash terminal and navigate inside the Secret-Box directory.

  • $ cd <download location>/Secret-Box/

Step 2. Activate env and run

  •    $ source env/bin/activate  
       $ python  

Step 3. The application’s web portal will be accessible at