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custom-kali-linux πŸ’€

Docker Pulls
raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:latest raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:default raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:meta raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:meta-lite

custom-kali-linux is a collection of customized Kali Linux images for various use cases. All these images are available on my docker-hub repo. These images are based on kalilinux/kali-rolling, but they differ in terms of the packages used during the build process. There are two main packages used:

  1. kali-desktop-core πŸ–₯️
  2. kali-linux-default πŸ›‘οΈ

For more information about the different Kali Linux packages, please visit the official metapackages page.

Tags 🏷️

All images in this repository provide access to the server via RDP (port 13389) πŸ–₯️, VNC (port 5908) πŸ–₯️, and SSH (port 20022) πŸ”. The repository offers four main tags:

  1. core: These images are built with the kali-linux-core package and have minimal dependencies (related to text editing and version control). They provide lightweight instances and correspond to the Long Term Support (LTS) version of custom-kali-linux. Updates are less frequent. 🌱

  2. default: This image is built with the kali-linux-default package and includes additional CLI tools for cybersecurity. It is also tagged as latest. πŸš€

  3. meta: Built from the base image raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:default, this image is designed for metaverse and extended reality (XR) development and is expected to receive frequent updates. 🌟

  4. meta-lite: Built upon raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:core, this image is lightweight, offering minimal cybersecurity tools. However, it’s also tailored for metaverse and extended reality (XR) development, receiving frequent updates like custom-kali-linux:meta. ✨

Using custom-kali-linux πŸ’€

The easiest way to use this image is by running the following docker run command:

$ docker run -it --rm raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:<tag>

This command provides minimal access to the container via the terminal. To access it via RDP, VNC, and SSH clients, use this command instead:

$ docker run -it --rm -p 5908:5908 -p 13389:13389 -p 20022:20022 raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:<tag>

To bind volumes when using the image, you can execute the following command:

$ docker run \
    -it \
    --rm \
    --name kali-custom \
    -p 5908:5908 -p 13389:13389 -p 20022:20022 \
    --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)/kali",target=/home/trustworthy \

Default Credentials πŸ”‘

User: trustworthy
Password: trustworthy

User: root
Password: toor

Using with docker-compose 🐳

Here, we provide a sample Dockerfile used to build the image:

FROM raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:<tag>

# Switching to root for installation
USER root

## Exposing additional ports for dynamically binding services while testing (beyond port 49151)
EXPOSE 55510

# Start
RUN /bin/sh

And a docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.0"

    build: .
    container_name: custom-kali-meta
      - 13389:13389
      - 20022:20022
      - 5908:5908
      - 55510:55510
      - ./kali/:/home/trustworthy
    command: /bin/sh
    image: raviprakash1907/custom-kali-linux:meta

You can build and use the container with a single command:

$ docker-compose up